Imagine being faced with unimaginable danger, at an altitude of 20 thousand feet, with a plane falling apart around you. Most of us can only dream of the courage it would take to face such a harrowing situation. But for Mr. Richard Scott of Broome County, this was a reality during his time as a bombardier and navigator in World War II.

Katie Scott-Hlavac
Katie Scott-Hlavac

Several years ago, I had the privilege of accompanying Mr. Scott on his journey to Washington D.C. as part of the Twin Tiers Honor Flight so that he could visit his war memorial and receive recognition for his service. I know the experience meant a lot to Mr. Scott, but it also left a lasting impression on me. Being in the presence of this incredible man, who had risked his life for our country, was truly humbling.

Mr. Scott's story is one of extraordinary bravery. In the middle of chaos, when his plane was shot up and the hydraulics failed, he didn't succumb to fear. Instead, he crawled on a nine-inch catwalk without a parachute, determined to manually close the Bombay doors. This daring act ultimately saved the lives of his crewmates as the pilot was able to make a forced landing in the Southern Alps. The heroic actions of Mr. Scott did not go unnoticed, and he was rightfully awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross military decoration for his selflessness and courage.

Recently, Mr. Scott had the opportunity to share his incredible story at the Greater Binghamton Airshow, accompanied by his daughter, her husband, his son, and his son's wife. Not only was Mr. Scott able to reminisce about his past, but his place in United States military history was solidified. As a tribute to his bravery, he was invited to sign the Bombay doors of a B-17 aircraft, forever etching his legacy in the hearts and minds of those who will come after him.

Katie Scott-Hlavac
Katie Scott-Hlavac

As I reflect on the sacrifices made by Mr. Scott and countless other brave men and women, my heart overflows with gratitude. It's because of these courageous individuals that we enjoy the freedoms and liberties we often take for granted.

So, here's to Mr. Richard Scott and all the unsung heroes who have served or are currently serving in our military. Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude, but we will forever hold you in our hearts. Thank you for your service and thank you for the sacrifices you and your families have made. May your stories continue to inspire future generations and may we never forget the incredible legacy you have left behind.

Your Captured Memories: Greater Binghamton Airshow in Photos

The Greater Binghamton Airshow 2024 proved to be a resounding success, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended including these individuals who submitted photos for us to to share with you. 

Gallery Credit: Traci Taylor

LOOK: 100 years of American military history